Saturday, March 23, 2013

And the Hits Keep Coming.

We went to Mt. Fuji and the surrounding area.  We took so many photos it was ridiculous.  Here's a sampling:

Studio Ghibli Museum:

A rather classy restaurant we came across:

Shinjuku Gyoen Park (Cherry Blossom season is pretty popular in Japan):

Just a sampling of some of the lovely items I've picked up so far, lovely laserdiscs and video-games:

And a few pics of Emily practicing her favourite activity - photo bombing:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Exploring More of Tokyo

Spending the week exploring more of Tokyo.  Here are some pics of our latest escapades in Japan.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Games, Oh My the Games!

Our first full day in Tokyo was spent with a friend who gave us a fantastic tour of downtown Tokyo, took us to Akihabara (Electric Town), put up with our dismal singing at Karaoke, and got us pretty drunk.  All-in-all it was an amazing day.  But for me the highlight was Akihabara.  A place I've dreamed of going to since I first picked up a video-game controller.  I won't go into too much detail, other than it lived up to the hype - much nerding was done.